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Custom parameters
If you wish to identify your visitors via custom parameters, then here is how you can do that.
This feature can be helpful when you have a website that has a membership system where users can log into your website. If they are logged in, you can specify their identifier (ex: email, user_id, name..etc) with our tracking code.
Why? This becomes very helpful when trying to understand what your users are doing and what problems they encountered on your website.
You can do this by simply adding data-custom-parameters='{JSON_PARAMETERS_HERE}'
like in the following example:
<script defer src="https://www.sabianalytics.com/pixel/12345678910111213" data-custom-parameters='{"name": "John Doe", "email": "john@example.com"}'></script>
If that extra parameter is provided then, in the Visitors page you will see the icon near the visitor which tells you that that specific user has been identified with custom parameters.